Summer Teaching Internship Opportunities - Notre Dame High School
Notre Dame High School's Internship Programme is a successful programme that gives penultimate year Maths and Physics undergraduates a school experience that enables them to find out what working in a school is really like and that encourages them to make a decision to apply for teacher training. We are all facing recruitment challenges in these subjects and this is a worthy initiative to help address this. To give you an idea of the need for this in our region, there are currently only 9 students in the whole of South Yorkshire training to be a Physics teacher. When you consider that there are 70-80 secondary schools in South Yorkshire, you can appreciate the severity of the shortage - we need to be engaged in activities that encourage more good people into the profession. The interns are paid by the DfE to participate in the programme and they are expected to take on various jobs and tasks during their time in school. Interns last year ran STEM cl...